Author Notes
I spent a few weeks during the summer and fall of 2020 in Greenville, which is a small town on the lower end of Moosehead Lake, the second-largest lake in New England. I'd already come up with most of the idea for Hard Chrome on a long walk in Brooklyn, NY and we'd come to Greenville because we needed to get the hell out of Brooklyn as a respite from the pandemic and a friend's parents own a house in Greenville they weren't using. So, when we were walking around Greenville and the lake, I saw this garage and decided it was the perfect place to set this story.
Did I give these guys names that start with D and S and occupations of auto mechanic and attorney, respectively, in homage to my favorite television characters? Why, whatever gave you that idea? There's nothing supernatural that happens in this book, though.
And what is my obsession with stepbrothers falling in love with each other? I dunno, man, I blame it on reading Flowers in the Attic in my formative years. And the shocking amount of Supernatural fanfic I've read. Wincest FTW!
Picture a desk for Krystal in this space and it's more or less what the front part of Dylan's shop looks like on the inside. Dylan's office is behind the half door and those photos tacked up around the doorframe are photos of Dylan and Sebastian when Sebastian was a kid.