I forgot to explain the reason I was late to tonight’s cocktail chat with Cephaloheads—I figured I’d take the dog out for his evening walk beforehand instead of afterward and that would have been fine, except that Giles couldn’t decide where he wanted to poop and then when he finally did, he…freaking stepped in it. 🤦

He’s usually really prissy about getting his paws mussed—he jumps over rain puddles, ffs. So I don’t know what the hell caused him to plant his little back paw right on the soft edge of a smooshy turd on a trash-filled Brooklyn street curb.

So I had to clean his paws when we got back inside and that turned into a bigger job that I had to get my wife involved with. She finally took it over so I could start the chat but oh, Giles…

Here he is in his Halloween costume. I guess I can’t stay mad at that face…